10 Rare Indoor Plants

True plant lovers will probably already know about these beauties, but we'll sum up ten rare and highly sought-after indoor plants here. All the following rare indoor plants are collector's items and not easily available.
Monstera Albo Variegata
The most common of the variegated species is the Monstera Albo Variegata. Because of its slow growth and the high demand among gardeners, the prices are very high for a plant having only a couple of leaves. These plants can’t undergo tissue culture because its variegation is a natural defect.
Philodendron Pink Princess
The pink plant is a very rare houseplant. But luckily, this plant will be more available as various growers are working on propagating its mother plant. For all plant collectors, the pink princess is a true eye-catcher. Everyone will notice and appreciate this plant in your home when they visit.
Monstera Aurea Variegata
Monstera Aurea, possibly among the most popular variegated Monstera's. These plants feature great gold/yellow variegation on their leaves. It's very spectacular. At this moment, Monstera Aurea is not being mass produced in any way. However, the only way to develop these beauties is from seed-grown plants or cuttings in other’s private collections.
Monstera Sport
This Monstera is strange. The variegation on it is green or light yellow. It is commonly known as Monstera sport. Like Monstera Aurea Variegata, this plant is not developed on big scales. The only best way to grow this is by getting cuttings from other existing plants.
Philodendron White Princess
The Philodendron White Princess has been available in private collections via cuttings for so long. But this plant has become more popular this year. They are still difficult to find, but they have become easier to get a hold of. The beautiful white-spotted leaves of this plant are super familiar for true indoor plant lovers.
Philodendron Melanochrysum
It is among the rare houseplants for sure. Its beautiful dark green leaves look perfect. The Melanochrysum is a very easy Philodendron to thrive indoors when you grow it in an area with higher humidity. Various plants in botanical gardens and private collections often grow a leaf above one meter in height.
Philodendron Gloriosum
Another perfect stunner. The Philodendron Gloriosum is popular for its huge heart-shaped velvety leaves with gorgeous white veining. These plants can develop super big with time. Multiple growers are currently working hard on their mother plants.
Anthurium Veitchii
Many plant lovers have searched for this beautiful, rare indoor plant that leads to a high-demand spike. This Anthurium is loved for its wonderful, ruffled leaves and striking appearance. This indoor plant doesn’t need any soil to grow well and loves growing in sphagnum moss because of its epiphytic nature.
Variegated Syngonium Fantasy
Variegated Syngoniums got popular this year; there are various types such as Syngonium Fantasy and Syngonium Three Kings, it's almost a little overwhelming. It exists from beautiful white variegation to pink variegation. Fortunately, Syngonium is very easy to propagate, so it'll become more available. Various growers are growing a huge amount of their mother plants.
Monstera Obliqua Peruvian Form
For many, this plant is a holy grail of rare indoor plants and the most special of the Monsteras. Originally, it’s from Peru, but now you can find it in multiple plant collections across Europe. The only ideal way of getting these plants is from a plant collector or rare indoor plant shop.