A Guide to Indoor & Outdoor Bromeliad Care

A Guide to Indoor & Outdoor Bromeliad Care

Bromeliad is an extremely diverse family of plants. There are about 2,877 different bromeliad species in nature and different ways to care for your bromeliads. The following is a guide to both indoor and outdoor bromeliad care.

Indoor Bromeliad Care

Bromeliads make wonderful indoor plants. They come with few requirements and very few trouble pests. With the proper care, you will enjoy bromeliads in your living space or office all year long.


Bromeliads can withstand drought, but they can’t tolerate overwatering as it can cause root rot. It is important to plant your bromeliads in a medium, allowing fast drainage. Also, you can keep your plant moist by properly misting it regularly.


Indoor bromeliad plants love 60% humidity. Such a humidity level can be extremely tough to sustain, especially in homes heated by any furnace in the cold season. There are different ways to enhance the humidity levels in your home, such as using a humidifier near your plants, adding a few more plants around them, or using a spray bottle for misting your plants regularly. 

Containers and Potting Media

Containers and potting media directly affect the moisture levels in your bromeliads. Plastic containers hold moisture for a much longer period. People who live in an arid location or grow their bromeliads in any heated home must use plastic pots to grow their plants. Alternatively, if you’re living in an extremely humid location, you may like to consider well drainage type of pot so your bromeliad doesn’t remain overly wet. Soil is never suitable for your bromeliads. Instead, you should use potting mixes formulated for bromeliads or make a mix by using porous materials.


Bromeliads have a great range of sunlight tolerances. Few varieties love bright, indirect sunlight, while others grow well in almost consistent shade. Most of the time, however, bromeliads prefer bright, sunny areas. Keep in mind, exposure to direct light for a much longer period will cause damage to your plant’s leaves. In the cold months, a south-facing window is best.


Bromeliads need very little quantity of fertiliser. Occasionally you may want to consider a water-soluble fertiliser. Do not place fertilizer in your bromeliad’s central tank. Instead, you need to add fertiliser around your bromeliad’s base. However, because your bromeliads are slow growers, excessive fertiliser will cause their leaves to become gangling and bright colours fade away.

Outdoor Bromeliad Care

Most bromeliads originated from tropical climates, which means they are well adapted for wet, warm, and shady climates. However, if you like to keep your bromeliads outdoors, ensure you have an area that won’t expose your bromeliads to the extremes of direct sunlight. Also, it’s essential that your bromeliads stay moist but never too soggy. A well-draining container is ideal for your bromeliads.

In a dry region, few bromeliads are well-suited to tolerate dry air. You may require misting your bromeliads frequently if the humidity level is less than 60%. Make sure to mist when its leaves are dry, but much before your plants are exposed to direct sunlight.

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