Caring For a Fiddle Leaf Fig

Fiddle leaf figs are gorgeous indoor plants. They have lush green leaves that are broad and evergreen. Most people like to keep it in the corner of rooms due to their potential to grow really big. In this blog, we will discuss the simplest way for caring for fiddle leaf fig plants.

fiddle leaf fig care

Light requirement

Fiddle leaf figs show the best growth when they have continuous indirect light. In this case, indirect light doesn’t mean a shady place, rather choose a bright place near your window where it gets bright indirect sunlight.

Don’t place an opaque object in the path of light because they will obstruct the light rays too. This plant really does need its light.

It is a good habit to rotate the plant once a month. This tip will help the plant to grow evenly from all sides and keep its growing pattern straight and upwards rather than slanting to one side (towards where the light is coming from).

Water requirement

The water requirement of the fiddle leaf fig is not that difficult, but an incorrect watering pattern can kill it. Water the plant well and leave it until its upper soil is once dry. Then water again. It is required to have a small dry spell in between all waterings.

The interval between watering depends on the weather conditions. In summer, fiddle leaf figs need more water than in winter. The average gap between watering is usually 7-10 days.

Method: There are two methods to water the plant perfectly. The first method is to place the plant pot in a water tub for 1-2 hours and let it seep the water fully. In the second method, if the pot is too heavy and you can't carry it easily, then you have to place the pot on a plant stand with a water collecting tray at the bottom.  Water it fully till you see the water dripping down.

Fertiliser application

Most houseplants need a light and slow-feeding fertiliser. Fiddle leaf fig required 1 light dosage of fertiliser in a month, especially during spring and summer. In winter and fall, the plant is in the rest or dormant phase, so stop fertiliser application during that period.

You can choose any fertiliser brand that contains fertiliser that has 3:1:2 NPK ratios.

How to add fertiliser: Make a solution by mixing the fertiliser with water and pour it into the pot as you water it regularly. You can also use a watering can and shower it into the pot.

Common issues/symptoms and their solutions

Brown patches/spots

Symptom/Cause: If you notice brown patches appearing on the leaves of the plant, then yes! The plant is under the stress of water or light. The other reason for this situation is maybe poor drainage and too much wet conditions, which leads to root rot and patches on the leaves.

Solution: The easiest solution for this situation is to give gaps between watering and allowing the soil to completely dry for at least one day. Don’t place the pot in direct sunlight for drying the soil because it will cause sunburn on the leaves.

Place the plant near a window where it gets daily bright indirect sunlight.

Rotting of plant

Symptom/Cause: Falling of leaves, this results in bare branches of plants. Mostly poor drainage and overwatering result in root rotting.

Solution: Clean the plant and remove the dead, fallen and sticky leaves. Take out the plant with complete soil by removing the pot. You will notice two types of roots:

1. Firm, strong, and white represents healthy roots.

2. Weak, soft, and brown represents rotted roots.

Remove all the rotted roots and repot them in a new pot with fresh well-drained soil and water normally.

Sudden Leaf Drop

Symptom/Cause: Falling of leaves without any reason. This situation may be arisen due to a sudden change in environment or transplanting to a different place.

Solution: The plant temporarily went into a shock situation which results in leaf drop. The fiddle leaf fig will come out of this situation within few weeks naturally.  If the falling of leaf continues for more than a month, then check if it's environment matches the light and water requirements.

Perfect time for repotting

The best time to do fiddle leaf fig repotting is spring and summer. Most plants need repotting to be done after every 1-2 years. The other symptom is when the plant gains too much height (or volume) and the pot is root bounded, which means the roots appear through the bottom drainage hole.


  • For repotting, select a pot that is wider than the previous pot by about 2 inches.
  • Add a small size stone layer (approximately 2-3 inches) at the bottom of the pot. This practice helps in maintaining humidity, allows good drainage, and prevents rot damage.
  • After the stone layer add soil or planting mixture and spread it to the edges, making space between for the previous pot material.
  • Now cut the dead, rotten and brown roots from the plant root ball. With the help of your hand, carefully loosen the root ball slightly and place it in the center of the new pot.
  • Add a little more potting soil on the top for covering purposes.
  • Shake the new pot slightly to level the soil and water it. If you feel any gaps or cracks in the soil, then fill the gaps with a little soil.


The fiddle leaf fig is a charming plant that is perfect for placement in our living room’s corner. It is an eye-catchy plant so long as it remains healthy and has lush green foliage. Give it some TLC and you'll be all good with this beautiful plant.

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