Caring for a Spider Plant

Spider plants are popular indoor house plants that can grow to a height of up to three feet. They add instant charm and colour along with oxygen into your living room, bathroom, bedroom, or office. They are also quite easy to care for. Its name is derived from the little spider-like plantlets that grow on its yellow stems. The spider plant is one of the most tolerant and durable houseplants you can buy. It is almost impossible to kill and adds lots of interesting texture to any houseplant collection. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to take care of spider plants.

spider plant care

Why should you take care of a Spider Plant?

There's a whole bunch of benefits as to why you should keep spider plants in your home:

  • According to a NASA study, it's been found that spider plants are capable of cleaning the air by removing synthetic compounds such as xylene and carbon monoxide in found inside homes and indoors.
  • Being super versatile houseplants, spider plants are very popular amongst gardeners and are often kept in hanging baskets indoors
  • Spider plants like other indoor plants can help you reduce stress and improve your general wellbeing by contributing to an environment that is happy and relaxing.

Watering requirements for Spider Plants

You should water your spider plants just once a week, as they are quite low-maintenance plants. Before each watering, you should stick your finger into the soil to check if it is actually dry first. If it's still wet, you should wait a day or two until it has dried. If you keep watering your plant too much, it will be prone to rotting and other plant diseases.

Light requirements for Spider Plants

Moderate light is what a Spider plant needs for optimal growth. In low-light situations, the leaves will eventually lose the yellow streaks and becomine mostly green in colour. On the other hand, if exposed to too much light, the spider plant will start yellowing and turn brown from being burnt. Avoid direct bright sunlight to keep it safe and healthy.

Why have the tips of my spider plant turned brown?

The most common causes of the tips of a spider plant turning brown are due to overwatering or plant disease.

  • Overwatering can result in the leaves of the spider plant turning dark or brown. Always remember to let the soil dry before rewatering and also don't forget to maintain a consistent watering routine.
  • Plant disease can be another cause of spider plant tips turning brown. It can begin as burns from too much light and then being taken over by yellowing and browning of the leaf ends.

Summary of Care for Spider Plants

To maintain longevity of your spider plants, follow these main care tips to encourage healthy growth:

  • Provide indirect bright light
  • Do not overwater the spider plant
  • Use a soil that drains well
  • Use fertilisers to encourage more growth
  • Remove any brown-coloured leaf tips to encourage new growth.

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