Five Indoor Plants to Boost Your Mood and Health

Five Indoor Plants to Boost Your Mood and Health

In a life full of stress and challenges, you may not find enough time to do things that make you feel relaxed. However, a little greenery at home can do much more than just adding beauty. Like outdoor plants and trees maintain the environment, indoor live houseplants can do the same in your home. Plants bring a sense of freshness that enhances your mood and can make you feel calm. Keeping plants can spread positive energy, reduce anxiety, and improve your memory. People with certain health conditions such as respiratory problems can also find relief when surrounded by plants. Their air-purifying quality needs no explanation as plants are the best natural home air cleaners reducing bacteria and various chemicals present in the air. In short, plants improve your brain activity and general wellness. You might end up bringing all these five indoor plants at home after you learn their benefits!


Jasmine, a tropical bloom, comes with glossy, green foliage and is highly aromatic. It spreads joy and happiness everywhere in your home. Its exotic white flowers have a wonderful scent that you can smell mostly at night. Jasmine flowers fill your living space with their warm aroma giving you a sense of pleasure. It has excellent calming properties that keep your mind relaxed. You can place this plant in your room to help release stress. To enhance its calming effects, combine jasmine with lavender, bergamot, or cedarwood.


Dracaenas is an excellent natural air purifier for pollinators such as benzene or trichloroethylene. These pollinators present in the air come from paint, gasoline, rubber, synthetic fibers, and detergent, compromising the air quality. Dracaenas absorb all these chemicals with the help of their leaves, purifying the air and making your home a chemical-free place to live. 

Lemon balm

Generally, lemon balm is used as a tea to help relieve stress and tension. However, in addition to these, it has other important benefits too. Lemon balm can enhance your brain activity and boost your levels of attentiveness, making you perform much better at work. People who use this tea with a balanced diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle can get better results.


Eucalyptus, when used as an oil, has multiple health benefits. Inhalation of eucalyptus essential oil helps your respiratory system, soothes cough, and keeps your chest mucus-free. If you grow the eucalyptus plant in your home, it will give off a spectacular minty, pine-like fragrance with little notes of honey. The scent of the eucalyptus tree and its essential oil can stimulate your brain and boost your levels.

English ivy

English ivy helps fight bacteria present in the air and maintain the air quality in your room. It helps decrease mold growth around it and keeps the air clean at all times. People with certain allergies or those with asthma can find relief when surrounded by this plant. Even though it can't help cure your allergy completely, it helps clean the air or make a small portion of your home less contaminated where you can work or relax.

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