How To Care for A String of Hearts Plant

How To Care for A String of Hearts Plant

Chain of heart or string of heart, also known as Ceropegia woodii, is a great trailing succulent to bring to your living space (there is also a variegated chain of hearts!). While to some, it might be tough to care for, once you get hold of it, the chain of hearts is among the most tolerant indoor plants. Below you’ll find some basic knowledge to keep your string of hearts happy.

Light And Temperature

The string of hearts plant loves heat and bright sunlight but cannot tolerate direct light. So if you like to grow a string of hearts as an indoor plant, place it close to the sunniest window possible. A South-facing or West-facing window will do best. Make sure to keep the temperature at 80°F to 85°F, and during wintertime, maintain the temperature at 60°F. Your plant must be located in a bright, shaded spot

 when grown outdoors.

If you’re unsure whether your plants are receiving all the light they require, a straightforward way to ensure that is through their leaves if you notice that their leaves are starting to turn pale in color with less marbling, and looking wider apart than they usually should, transfer your plants to a brighter area to fulfill its lighting requirements.

Additionally, it is essential to rotate your chain of heart plants from time to time. It’ll ensure that all sides of your plant will get an equal amount of light, and all its sides will feature an even color.


Since the string of hearts comes with succulent-like needs, root rot is common, especially when sitting in damp soil for longer. That, however, can be avoided by providing your plants a nice soak of water once every week or when the top two to three inches of their soil is dry during their growing season, which is in spring and summer. Alternatively, during autumn and winter, your chain of hearts will go dormant, and therefore the watering must be cut back to around one time every three to four weeks or whenever the soil seems dry through the container.

Also, one ideal method to help you know whether it's an excellent time to provide your plants a good soak of water is via their leaves. If you notice that they’re still firm to your touch, then your chain of hearts doesn't require to be watered for some more time. However, if their leaves seem soft as you squeeze them and will easily bend, then it's high time to provide them a thorough watering.


Although the chain of heart plants is succulent and can stay in drier spots that most indoor plants may not withstand, it's good to locate them to enjoy around 40 to 50% humidity.


Chain of Hearts only require occasional fertilisers and with half-diluted liquid fertilisers. They can be fertilised at most once every month during the active growth period in May and August. They don’t require any fertiliser in winter, which is their dormant period.

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