How To Care for A Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera adansonii)

How To Care for A Swiss Cheese Plant

The Swiss cheese plant (Monstera adansonii) is extremely easy to grow and loves to climb. This plant contains aerial roots that grow downwards from the plant's stem, which can brace against the ground or other available support. In the wild, this plant will push its roots up to an adjoining woody vine or tree. If you want it thriving as a houseplant, you'll have to simulate this monstera by adding a stake in the middle of a container. Providing regular food and water is key. Read on for more care tips.

Light Requirements for Your Swiss Cheese Plant

The Swiss cheese is a tropical plant, so it thrives perfectly in bright indirect sunlight. If exposed to extreme direct sunlight, its foliage will easily burn, so it's very important to keep it in a place where only indirect light reaches. Limit its exposure to about two to three hours of direct morning sunlight to save it from sunburn.

Soil for the Swiss Cheese Plant

The Swiss cheese plant grows well in peat-based soil potting mix. It will help to hold water in the plant's soil without causing the soil to become waterlogged. For robust plant growth, it's important to aim for potting soil with a pH range between 5.5 to 7.

Water Needs for Your Swiss Cheese Pant

The Swiss cheese plant likes to stay moist but not extremely soaked. Before watering your plant, insert a finger down the soil about one inch, and if it seems dry to touch, it's a good time to water your plant. Irrigate your Swiss cheese plant until a bit of water starts to seep out of the pot's drainage holes.

Temperature and Humidity Requirements

The Swiss cheese is a jungle plant that thrives best in high humidity levels and hot temperature conditions. The closer you will mimic your plant's natural habitat, the better. It is essential for you always to ensure your monstera plant is placed in an area with over 40°F temperature. Always protect your Swiss cheese plant from drafts. An ideal humidity level for your plant is above 50%, so it's good to place it in a warm and well-lit area of your home, like your bathroom. To increase the humidity levels, your can mist your plant or use a humidifier around it.

Fertiliser Needed for Swiss Cheese Plant

As you pot or repot your Swiss cheese plant, it's necessary to wait for about four to six months before fertilising it. That's because usually, the potting mix already contains enough slow-releasing fertiliser in it. After that, you can fertilise your plant every month utilising an all-purpose, half diluted liquid fertiliser for its speedy growth.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

Your monstera plant might sometimes contend with common indoor plant pests like mealybugs, spider mites, and whiteflies. Fortunately, these plant pests are rarely fatal and can easily be treated using neem oil or any non-toxic insecticide. You should also check regularly for common plant diseases like root rot, blight, rust, and powdery mildew.

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