Interview with a Plant Parent: Peaches

1. Tell us a little about yourself!

My name is Peaches and I'm a Trinidadian born, Australian grown single mum of one. I'm a Registered Nurse living in Queensland for the past 14 years and grew up in Melbourne. I should never say never but I don't see myself living anywhere else, I love Brisbane.

2. What got you into the plant hobby?

    I grew up with my great grand, grandmother and mum all having lots of indoor and outdoor plants in Trinidad. When I moved to Australia to live with my dad, we had no indoor plants. About 2 years ago I was going through some tough times and decided to bring some indoor plants into my home to help reduce some anxiety and give me a sense of calm. It all just escalated from there lol.

    3. What is your most favourite indoor plant you have at the moment?

      My favourite plant right now was only purchased a couple days ago and it's my Homalomena camouflage. It's not really classed as a rare plant but the leaves are so beautiful, I just love the way the variegation looks like brush strokes.

      4. What is the next indoor plant in your wishlist?

        This is a hard question, I have so many wish list plants. I've been trying to find a reasonably priced Monstera thai constellation for about 12 months with no luck. If I had to choose one to get right now, it would be a Philodendron verrucosum. I would love to collect as many philodendrons and homalomenas as I can fit in my home.

        5. Share with us one or more of your best plant care tips.

        The one thing that I did in the beginning of my plant journey that I never do now is transfer the plant that I bring home with my own soil mix straight away. I've had to rehab a few plants after doing this and lost a couple as well. The shock of the new environment and also soil can sometimes be too much for the plants.

        Follow Peaches's plant journey on IG: @jus_peachyplants

        If you'd like to be featured as a Plant Parent, please feel free to contact us :)

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