Rare Houseplants in High Demand

Rare Houseplants in High Demand

Having beautiful houseplants in your home is common nowadays, but owning some rare houseplants species can be exciting. As a true houseplant lover, you may probably want to know some new, high-in-demand beauties to add to your indoor plant's collection. We have gathered a list of five rare and unique houseplants that all plant enthusiasts would drool over to save you some time. But keep in mind, these hard-to-find houseplants can be a bit pricey.

So before buying one overlooks, you need to be sure that the plant is appropriate for your indoor environment.

Yellow Variegated Monstera

The Monstera Borsigiana Aurea, a yellow variegated Monstera plant, thrives excellently in apartment settings. It is undeniably gorgeous and a fast grower that is extremely easy to care for and doesn't need frequent watering. Weekly water this plant and provide it bright, indirect sunlight for better growth. Yellow variegated monstera plant species has two different types of plant tissue presented, the reason why these plants are rare to find. The yellow colour appears due to mutation, lack of chlorophyll, or a viral infection. Generally, such variegated plants are more fragile and usually die in nature, making them very rare.

'Silver Cloud' Philodendron

The 'Mamei Silver' Philodendron gets its unique name from the silvery variegation on its sizable, beautiful heart-shaped leaves. It's also called the silver cloud due to its wonderful foliage display. Your silver cloud loves to receive bright, indirect sunlight with once-weekly watering to stay healthy.

Even though these plants are extremely rare, they are easygoing and simple to thrive indoors. Such plant species are difficult to find because of "tissue culture" in philodendron propagation. As a result, these plants often don't show the wild specimen's size and charm.

'Milk Confetti' Syngonium

The Syngonium ‘Milk Confetti' is among the newest, most desirable, and unique Syngonium Podophyllum cultivars. It belongs to the family Araceae and prefers to stay in part shade. Watering your milk confetti once every week will do best. That eye-catching and marvellous herbaceous evergreen features dotted pink and light green leaves that look unique amongst the sea of similar, boring green indoor plants at your home or your local garden centre.

'White Princess' Philodendron

The Philodendron Erubescens belonging to the Araceae plant family is among the most gorgeous, rare plants belonging to South America's rainforests. It's known as the white princess philodendron because of its variegated white specks on its stunning pointy green leaves. It is often confused with the White prince and White wizard varieties. This plant loves bright, indirect light to grow well. Watering every week or twice a month would be perfect for it.

'Gloriosum' Philodendron

This super-rare Philodendron Gloriosum from the Araceae plant family is an incredible addition to every indoor garden. It features marvellous dark green, heart-shaped leaves that are a real treat to the eyes, and they're extremely velvety to the touch. They prefer bright indirect sunlight and less watering to thrive at its best. This climbing houseplant tends to sprawl, so you may want to locate it somewhere with enough space to spread.

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