Rare Indoor Plants You Need to Get Your Hands-On

Rare Indoor Plants You Need to Get Your Hands-On

There are some extremely charming, aesthetic rare houseplants that you must welcome in your home. These indoor plants will brighten up every corner of your living space with their attractive vines, colours, and variegation.

However, to get your hands on such beauties, you'll want a bit of help, so here are some of the rarest indoor plants that every plant lover must watch.

Anthurium Crystallinum

The genus Anthurium is among the largest ones in the Araceae family. Every species is beautifully unique; some feature flamboyant, colourful flowers while others contain giant, showy foliage. Anthurium crystallinum has stunning white venation covering heart-shaped leaves and striking copper colour underneath. This plant can flower with excellent care. It has a delicate, light purple flower that smells extremely great. This beauty is grown exclusively for the show-stopping foliage.

Aglaonema “Red Wishes”

The Aglaonema plant is having its best time and enjoying its popularity among plant lovers. It's been a long time since these plants have been lauded as the most tolerant plants. Red wishes display pink and emerald green foliage among the most sought-after aglaonema plant varieties. These plants are highly in demand, and you have to stumble a bit to bring these beauties home. But it's worth the trouble. Aglaonema brings a new, refreshing pop of beautiful colours to any corner.

Philodendron “Cebu Blue”

Cebu blue is extremely popular among gardeners and all plant lovers and is going stronger day by day. These plants are generally available to buy as a juvenile plant, so stay prepared to nurse this plant to see it grow well perfectly. Provide your plant with a trellis and a bit of training to watch it thrive into a giant. Its leaves are elongated, have pointy tips, and display a striking blue-green colour. While Cebu blue is categorized as philodendron, in passing, it is similar to run-of-the-mill pothos. However, its huge leaves and stunning colour quickly grab the attention of everyone.

Calathea Musaica “Network” 

Calathea music has been the darling of the indoor plant scene for many years now. However, this network houseplant will become the star in the coming years. Unlike other calathea varieties, the C. musaica is a simple plant to care for, the reason for its popularity. The leaf pattern makes a crossing grid similar to a network of lines, hence getting the name Network plant. Nowadays, you'll see these beauties in the designer plants section of different stores or specialty rare plant shops.

Monstera Borsigiana Albo “Albo”

Monstera borsigiana albo is popular among gardeners as Albo. It is one of the most wanted rare plants for sale. Undoubtedly, the variegated plant fashion has swept the fan base of monstera. If you want to splurge in any of these, stay alert on the scams. It's better to read reviews and ensure the seller is trustworthy and has that variety you want to buy. Also, make sure to search the market before purchasing so that no one can overcharge you for your product.

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