Six Best Indoor Succulents

Indoor houseplants can never be out of fashion. A splash of greenery blooming in your living room makes it feel warm and refreshing. One thing you must know is that not all indoor plants are easy-growing, especially for beginners. However, succulents are excellent and popular plants that adjust well to the indoor environment and can proliferate quickly. That’s the reason why you need succulents in your home.

If you're new to planting, here are some of the best succulents for indoors that you purchase as an easy start!

best indoor succulents

Jade Plant

Crassula ovata, popular with the name Jade plant, is one of the most attractive succulents. Jade plants with their thick oval leaves and shout stems add a freshness to your living place. There are various kinds of jade plants, but the ‘Harbour Lights’ variety and ‘Hummel's Sunset’ cultivar are the most common ones. Even though jade plants can grow very slowly, roughly around two inches a year, they can reach up to six feet in height. An amazing fact about the jade plant is that it can live for over 100 years when given proper care.

Burro’s Tail

Sedum morganianum, with the common name burro's tail, is a great indoor succulent. Its pendulous stems and blue-green leaves make burro's tail a must-have houseplant. These plants bloom excellently in hanging baskets and large containers since their trailing stems grow vertically downward. Burro’s tail can reach up to the length of four feet in general. The burro's tail often grows tiny little, pink, red, or lavender florets in the spring and summer season. These plants are also easy to propagate.

Christmas Cactus

Schlumbergera bridgesii is a beautiful flourishing succulent plant with the familiar name Christmas cactus. They have elongated, draping stems that thrive with vibrant flowers. As Christmas cactus plants originate from humid climate conditions, they ask for more water than your regular succulents. Therefore, you need to water these plants every time the top inch of soil seems dry and to see them bloom right in time for your Christmas holidays.

Panda Plant

Kalanchoe tomentosa is native to Madagascar and is commonly known as the panda plant. It has fuzzy, light green leaves having brown tips and edges. Although it will bloom in bright, indirect light, the panda plant can quickly acclimatize to the low light zones of your home. It’s a safe plant to place in any corner of your home.

Snake Plant

Sansevieria trifasciata is a low-maintenance houseplant and is commonly known as the Snake plant. They have beautifully dusky green, sword-like leaves that feature yellow margins and light green veins. Snake plants make brilliant indoor houseplants because of their ability to absorb air pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene. Even though it is not a poisonous plant, you must keep your children and pets away from snake plants. It contains some toxins that can be harmful to some extent.


Echeveria species are often confused with Sempervivum tectorum, which is hens and chicks plants. Echeveria (Echeveria spp.) contain rosette-shaped leaves with concentric rings. The leaves are mostly green, but they also come in shades of blue and grey. Echeveria blooms well in bright sunlight and sometimes get leggy whenever they get insufficient sunlight.

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