The Best Indoor Plants for Cleaning the Air and Removing Toxins

The Best Indoor Plants for Cleaning the Air and Removing Toxins

Plants are an excellent natural solution to clean the air of toxins and other harmful chemicals. Interior plants absorb these toxins present in the air and help improve the air quality of your living space. If you are looking for plants that help purify the air and add moisture to it, these five indoor plants are for you.

Peace Lily

The peace lily can grow easily and is simple to care for indoor plants regardless of the light condition. These beauties can grow well under low to medium sunlight and are drought resistant. It is your decision if you want to water your plant every ten days or wait for its leaves to droop. If your plant's leave droops, it won't damage your plants, but overwatering will surely damage them. Peace lilies remove certain harmful toxins from the air, such as carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene.

Snake Plant

Snake plants are excellent for dark places. For malls and offices, the snake plant is a must-have item. They are low maintenance plants that need a very little amount of watering and low sunlight conditions. You need to water it only once every week. They also have a good air-purifying ability and clean the air from toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene.

Madagascar Dragon Tree

Dragon Trees are very easy to thrive indoor plants and, for that reason, are suitable for new gardeners. These plants love low sunlight conditions as extreme light will burn their leaves. These are drought resistant, so it eliminates the need to regularly water them. Overwatering will lead to the death of your plant. The dragon trees are great air purifiers and can eliminate harmful toxins such as formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene.

Heart Leaf Philodendron

Philodendrons are low maintenance plants and are very fast growing. These plants adapt to various light conditions like indirect sunlight, medium sunlight, to low sunlight. You can place them in darker corners of your home and notice the leaves grow bright green. When placed under bright sunlight, these plants will develop more variegated leaves. Heartleaf philodendron also excellently removes toxins such as formaldehyde from the air around them.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a succulent, and it requires good drainage like other succulents. This plant loves to thrive in dry areas, so air heated places are the best environment for them. Aloe Vera plants prefer adequate sunlight and it's good to spot them near a south or west-facing window to allow better growth. Like most succulents, it must also dry completely before watering again. Make sure to drain the excess water out of the plant container to avoid water lodging. Let the excess water remain in the tray for about half an hour after watering your plant. Avoid overwatering your aloe vera plant. This plant is also a natural air purifier and helps eliminate formaldehyde, and the juice present in its stem can treat rashes and burns, another big advantage for bringing aloe vera at home.

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