Tips on Caring for Your Peace Lily Plant

The peace lily is an easy-growing plant, but to see them bloom gorgeously, you need to know some tricks. So read on to find out some most effective caring tips for your peace lily!

peace lily care


Peace lilies like bright partial shade and can endure lots of light. However, some peace lilies can thrive in areas with no windows at all. If you notice yellow leaves on your plant, it’s an indication that the light is extreme, and brown leaves are the sign of scorching from bright, direct light. Try to place your plant about 1-3 metres away from any north or west-facing window. The variegated peace lily needs more light than regular ones due to its partially white foliage.


Peace lilies love to get plenty of water at once, but they also need some time to dry out later. The plant sags somewhat when it's thirsty, indicating that it needs a drink. If you notice your plant when it typically begins to be droopy, you can water your peace lily one day before it usually happens. Watering once every week and sprinkling leaves during the summer season will keep your peace lilies hydrated. If your plant appears to be drooped, don’t lose hope. Continue watering and spritzing to help it revive. For chlorine-heavy water, allow a pot of water to stand overnight, and the next day water your plant. Water lilies can also be grown in hydro!


Peace lilies prefer a rich potting soil comprising of abundant organic materials. These plants hail from tropical canopy environments where the soil contains deteriorating plant material. Growing your peace lilies as will require soil that resembles its native soil composition.


The peace lily is undoubtedly a great houseplant as it blooms in indoor temperatures that most people relish. This plant requires temperature ranges between 18 to 30°C (65-85°F) and tropical climates. Peace lilies cannot survive in the cold or temperatures below 7°C (45°F). It's better to place them indoors throughout the year and display them not near any heating or cooling devices.

Common Problems

In contrast to other indoor houseplants, the peace lily is quite resistant to pests and diseases. While spider mites, aphids and mealybugs can attack them occasionally, you can keep these insects under control with frequent cleaning of the leaves. If insects invade, spray your peace lily with pesticides.

Brown leaf tips of your peace lily result from over-watering, over-fertilising, and zero humidity. Notice your plant's signals. If the leaves of your peace lily are turning brown at the bottom side of your plant, it means older leaves cannot compete with the new and fresh growing leaves.


If you notice your plant’s roots are showing up or your peace lilies are drinking up all the water in just a few days, it’s time to repot it. Use a larger container for repotting your plant, and do remember peace lilies may need frequent shifts into larger containers. However, peace lilies mostly go into a pot size of not more than 10 inches.


The first thing to remember before fertlising that your gorgeous peace lilies are highly sensitive to chemical fertilisers. Always use organic fertilizers for your peace lilies to let them bloom perfectly. Spring and summer seasons are best-suited for fertilising your houseplant. Using fertilisers for peace lily plants is great for keeping them healthy.

1 comment

  • I have had a peace lilly now for 5 years and every year when it blooms I get 10 to 20 flowers at once is this normal??

    Tony Brown

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