Why Are the Leaves of My Plant Turning Brown?

Why Are the Leaves of My Plant Turning Brown

All plants come with their specific needs and slightly different environmental conditions to thrive well. Getting a plant and providing some primary care might not be workable in the long run. Some problems like the browning of leaves can still show up even if you give the best care to your plants. 

So, how do you prevent it?

First, you need to learn more about your plant, like its origin and what it requires to thrive well. Some plants prefer to grow in high humidity, others love bright indirect light, and some can tolerate both. You need to understand everything related to the plant you want to add to your favourite houseplants collection so you can give it the best care.

Four major reasons why your plant’s leaves are turning brown

Even if you give your plants the best care, there is still a fair chance your plant's leaves will turn brown. Sometimes it is natural for the plant’s lower leaves to turn a pale yellow first and then to brown, making them fall off immediately. It happens with many tropical varieties when growing, but these plants develop a bare stem over time. 

For some plants however, the browning of leaves is due to some other underlying issues. The great news is that you can fix these! If your plants are shedding many leaves, if all leaves are turning brown at the same time, or if the upper leaves of your plant turn brown, it might be because of the following reasons:

Inadequate light

When the plant's bottom leaves begin to turn brown or even yellow, it means your plant is receiving an inadequate amount of light. If you notice any discoloration on the side of the plant that is a little away from where the sunlight strikes, it should be evident to you that your plant is not getting enough light. 

Plants that thrive in high light 

Plants that thrive in medium light

Plants that thrive in low light

Excessive heat exposure

Excessive heat could also be a reason for the browning of your plant's leaves. High heat can also cause the curling of leaves making them crinkly and make them fall off. If you notice your plant is wilting and you suspect this is due to too much heat, make sure to provide enough water. Make sure you also provide good airflow to the healthy leaves so that your plant can cool down quickly.

Insufficient water supply

If your plant isn't receiving enough water, it will first wilt, and eventually the leaves will turn brown and fall off the plant. Mainly this condition occurs on the bottom up, but it can also begin at the outer leaves of the bushier plants.

Plants that need less water

Plants that need more water

Low humidity levels

Humidity levels have a profound effect on plant health. If you notice the leaf tips of your plant are turning brown, but the leaf margin appears green, low humidity could be the reason behind it. A tropical or subtropical plant requires more humidity, so try to maintain balanced moistness levels in your home by using a humidifier. Inadequate humidity can also encourage black spots to appear in the plant's leaves.

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